For my last class tonight instead of having a regular class, and meeting in our regular classroom, we are having a party. The party will be at another student's apartment (shockingly, I did not volunteer mine, as it could fit approximately 3 people at a time, and one of those people would be standing in the shower). I am overly excited about this party, not necessarily because I think it will be a really fun time, but more because I don't know What it will be like. I realized that I like- in a sort of love/hate relationship way- going into strange social situations. Seeing everyone in my class, which to begin with is an odd mix of people of varied ages and professions, at a random place, with alcoholic drinks available, promises to be pretty damn awkward. Yes.
Now, as part of this shindig, we are supposed to bring something, some food or drink item. This whole bringing something thing has a tendency to (in the same vein as overexcitement) overly stress me out. I think too much on it, I build it up in my head. I feel this weird responsibility to arrive with baked goods even when a bottle of wine would suffice.
For example, for my work Christmas lunch this year I decided to make Rice Krispie treats. Rice Krispie treats are perhaps the ultimate in low key desserts, yet tasty, and would be pretty much ideal in fulfilling my obligation. So the night before the Christmas luncheon I started out efficiently producing typical rectangular Rice Krispie treats, but then, as often happens, I could not leave well enough alone. I thought to myself- well, it is a Christmas party, maybe I should make some snowballs. Then, after a couple of those were satisfactorily executed, I said- well, if I stacked these, I could make snowmen. Then, as long as I am making snowmen, I might as well make a few Christmas trees. Then maybe I'll put sprinkles on all of it... and I'm left with this smorgasboard plate of weird-looking treats dripping with sprinkles. So I'm going to try my hardest to just pick up some wine. We'll see.
wow, can you post a picture of the special christmas treats? they sound delicious!
wow, can you post a picture of the special christmas treats? they sound delicious!
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