Friday, March 03, 2006

New York Notes

Things I like:

1. deli flowers on the street
2. the lack of ordinary
3. hummus availability
4. the vague Frankenstein-like look in the eyes of commuters
5. overhearing conversations

Things I dislike:

1. overpriced drinks
2. lack of stars
3. crowdedness of every damn starbucks
4. the vague Frankenstein-like look in the eyes of commuters

New York Notes
by Harvey Shapiro

Caught on a side street
in heavy traffic, I said
to the cabbie, I should
have walked. He replied,
I should have been a doctor.

When can I get on the 11:33
I ask the guy in the information booth
at the Atlantic Avenue Station.
When they open the doors, he says.
I am home among my people.

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