Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Death of a Goldfish

Dust in the Wind

Crinkle has left one bowl for another.

As his life is flushed away, let us reflect fondly on his brief sojourn in a bepebbled orb in the living room. Crinkle was hardly able to use his three seconds of memory in his short, sweet life. But he swam well & died bravely. Not long for this earthly world, we can only thank him for making our days a little more golden... if only for a moment, then the moment's gone.

In lieu of donations, Adam has placed a note in Crinkle's bowl that states: Gone Fishin?


Anonymous said...

My condolences....
but Are you sure he had expired? Maybe it was just a trick, so that you would flush him, and then he thought(for 3 seconds) that he could make it out to sea to find his father, and have wonderful adventures with a crab. No wait that was another movie. Anyways, are you sure?

Julie said...

Good point. Next time Adam should perform CPR.

Anonymous said...

whenever i hear about a goldfish dying i think of that episode of the cosby show where they had the funeral for rudy's goldfish and everybody was all dressed up...