To go along with yesterday's bird theme, I happened to look at this, a work in progress by David Troupes called The Renaming of the Birds. I liked it yesterday, but since looking at it my appreciation has only grown to the point that I keep reflecting on it & I think I will start calling pigeons "brave ladyfriends" and bluejays "noisy blue jerks."
Have you ever thought about what you would name things if you were assigned naming responsibilities? That's a weighty task. I think names are hugely powerful. I don't believe a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet- if roses were called grackles, they would not enjoy the popularity they have today. Peonies would have surpassed them a long time ago. I also think politicians usually win based on who has the better name. Seriously.
Hortense D. Terwilliger
Enough with the peonies already!
I like your name.
-- Roscoe P. Slopjok
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