I saw the play Havana Bourgeois this past Sunday; it was the first night it played, so it was a little rough around the edges (the play started and immediately someone sprinted out of the room to turn out the audience lights) but very well done all the same, with some amazing actors. The play concerns someone embarking on their career, on the verge of achieving "the American Dream," when the Cuban revolution gains power & eventually upsets the country and notion of the Dream itself. The play was made more interesting when Sharyn and I talked to the director afterward and found out the play is the playwright's father's actual story.
Also, if you are in the mood to contemplate some philosophical conundrums on the order of angels on a pinhead, check out this wikipedia entry on the omnipotence paradox (Could an omnipotent being create a stone so heavy that even that being could not lift it?). The highlight of the wikipedia entry being the Simpsons' reference: On the TV Show "The Simpsons", while Homer is using medicinal marijuana, he asks the question, "Can Jesus microwave a microwaveable burrito so hot, that even he himself could not eat it?"
Now THAT provokes some thought. It also bring to mind a classic Deep Thought by Jack Handey:
"If God dwells inside us, like some people say, I sure hope he likes enchiladas, because that's what He's getting!"
Also, apparently the Simpsons and Philosophy are so entertwined they teach a course about it at Berkeley.
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