Despite sleeping well and relatively long, I am quite tired today. Makes no sense. I had the kind of sleep that when the alarm clock went off, I said "what the hell could that infernal beeping be?! I guess I have to get up and turn that OFF!" which, I will admit, happens frequently enough that the alarm clock is placed on the other side of my room, so I actually do get up, hence the alarm clock is fufilling its intended purpose, and getting me out of bed. I consider my sleeping self a different creature than my awake one, and resort to trickery to replace one with the other. Anyway this tiredness, and the rain outside (I wonder if the window-washers are pissed?), has somehow lent a rather aquatic feel to the workplace. I feel like a jellyfish just sort of bobbing along, and my boss keeps swimming through the room and glancing at everyone with fisheyes. She is inexplicably reminiscent of a trout.

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