Yesterday, coming out of Starbucks, I heard a woman turn to her friend and say, "Well, I don't believe in dinosaurs." This odd statement has been resounding in my head ever since, so I decided to google "belief in dinosaurs" today. I found it to be a much more controversial subject than I ever imagined. Apparently some people consider dinosaurs to be a "dinosaur myth" that is perpetuated by the "dinosaur industry." To quote my source here, Dinosaurs: Science or Science Fiction, "This article will discuss the possibility that there may have been an ongoing effort since the earliest dinosaur "discoveries" to plant, mix and match bones of various animals, such as crocodiles, alligators, iguanas, giraffes, elephants, cattle, kangaroos, ostriches, emus, dolphins, whales, rhinoceroses, etc. to construct and create a new man-made concept prehistoric animal called 'dinosaurs'." From what I gather from this site, the fact that paleontologists and scientists are the ones to generally find dinosaur bones should be taken as evidence that it's a hoax- because these are people with a vested interest in dinosaurs. Now there is a fine example of "evidence" that makes the opposite of sense. Paleontologists are the ones finding them, because they are the ones looking for them. Was it only manufacturers of plastic dinosaurs finding dinosaur "evidence" then I might get in this whole conspiracy theory bandwagon. But no- it's educated, interested individuals doing a job in a specific location using excavation tools and technology. So anyway, at the end of all this very logical information the website forwards a hypothesis on the motivation behind the elaborate dinosaur myth:
The pro-evolutionary bias is evident with this organization promoting dinosaur discoveries.
As mentioned earlier, motivations for the possible invention of the dinosaur include trying to prove evolution, trying to disprove or cast doubt on the Bible and the existence of God, trying to disprove the young-earth theory, and trying to disprove creationism. Of course, the devil's ultimate goal is to cast doubt on the deity of Jesus Christ and prevent people's eternal salvation.
The name of Devils Canyon Science and Learning Center may possibly provide good insight to the real source of the dinosaur concept.
Now I also found that there appears to be plenty of people that think dinosaurs existed, but not millions of years ago- instead, they existed at the same time as humans- Adam and Eve, specifically. For this concept, much pictorial evidence is offered.
Now, if you think I'm creating some elaborate disbelief hoax, you can read further in a book called The Great Dinosaur Mystery: Solved! which can help you to, "learn how to effectively use dinosaurs as “Missionary Lizards.”"
Anyway, if dinosaurs were some wild hoax, they would be a fucking awesome hoax, because how cool are dinosaurs?!

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